List of videos (SP, NL, FR, DE) of long life learning

LIST of VIDEOS on long life learning

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Encuentro de los miembros del proyecto Erasmus + Mayores Embajadores/ Greatest Ambassadors en la ciudad de Lovaina, Bélgica, para tratar el tema de la inteligencia emocional para la educación de adultos. Video realizado por el prof. Antonio Gutiérrez.

enlace del video: (ES) (SP with slides in English)

Sobre la radio: El biólogo Marcelo Morales Yokobori, codirector del programa de radio Latitud 0 y  Planeta 2030 de Radio Alma, nos invita a recorrer con testimonios de época los albores radiales, para luego explicarnos la forma de realizar hoy en día emisiones de radio a partir del uso de programas digitales accesibles para que quien desee hacerlo pueda crear sus propios podcasts o emisiones radiales.

enlace del video: ttps:// (ES)

La música, la mujer y la inteligencia emocional (Lovaina, 29 09 2023): La pianista Kristina Kebet y la chelista Sara Fontan Ferreira realizan una masterclass sobre educación de la música a lo largo de la vida durante la reunión sobre inteligencia emocional en Lovaina del proyecto Erasmus + ¨Mayores Embajadores¨ a través del aprendizaje de tocar instrumentos. A su vez, ellas tocan piezas musicales a dúo de los países participantes: España, Bélgica y Croacia.

Enlace del vídeo: 
Ann Lenaert explains the success of Kringwinkel, a recycling enterprise with a social approach. This store creates a common place for intergenerational and intercultural encounters, and at the same time contributes to the circular economy. This Kringwinkel is located in Louvain and more information can be read at (Interview in Dutch: Patricia Morales ) 

Enlace del vídeo (NL): 
Bart Vanwyngaerden explains the philosophy of the Provincial Domain of Kessel-lo, a recreational place for all generations and cultures. The ecological principles will be combined with educational and cultural goals. The Agenda 2030 has been adopted in this domain towards sustainable development: . (Interview: Patricia Morales )

Dirk Staf explains the challenges and goals of Campus Corso, a collective project that combines education, enterprise, and encounter (Onderwijs, Onderneming, and Ontmoeting). Campus Corso recreates a historical place for intergenerational and intercultural encounters (cafe and polyvalent room), and at the same time contributes to the circular culture.
Campus Corso is located in Louvain and more information can be read at (Interview: Patricia Morales )

Marie Laure explains to us the value of painting and being a photographer. She studies in a collective atelier in Brussels with great pleasure the art of drawing and painting as a form of adult education.

Patricia explains the importance of the art for the pleasure, the creativity and the life itself.

Hannah explains her painting today as a process of creativity and happiness and the role of her participation in an atelier of arts for adults in Brussels.

Catherine has dedicated much time today visiting the Musea of Arts and painting with acrylic. She is part of an atelier of painting in Brussels as a form of long life learning.

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